Monday, June 21, 2004

What it means.

The ring of truth is a phrase that I picked up somewhere along my way. This is not referring to the noun ie. a ring that you would wear on your finger. It is to call to mind the sound of a ringing bell or glass. When something has the ring of truth, that is to say that it makes sense to you. It rings true.

Truth, Honesty, I was raised in a very conservative Christian home and inculcated to believe that the truth will out. After lying my way through childhood and adolescence I finally realized that telling the truth was easier. Not that I never lie these days mind you, but I lie much less.

You see I had an epiphany in college as my first marriage was falling apart. Yes, yes, I got married while still in college. I met a beautiful Indiana girl named Anna Maria and fell head over heels in love. We ran off to Las Vegas one weekend with her Stafford loan check and came back happy and married. It didn't last. She was lying to me, as I was lying to me.

Lest we shed a tear, I learned from this experience, a great many things. Firstly, I learned that women with captivating eyes are not to be trusted and B. I learned to be honest with others and more importantly with myself.

As my marriage was collapsing, I humbly moved back into the dorms and as luck would have it, I met the most wonderful bonnie lasses. They made me believe in myself again, they were my angels. There was one evening which was particularly transformative. I had numbed my broken heart with various drink and drugs and lost track of my legal pad which had become my cathartic journal. At one point in the evening, as I made my way back to the consensual reality from the pathetic fog that I was in, I found my new attractive friend reading my most personal thoughts, I was shocked and embarrassed and yet she was quite visibly moved by what I had written.

When I wrote those words they were meant for no one but myself, and yet to see her reading them and being visibly touched by them, I knew then, that they were something special, then as she told me how she was moved by my words, my initial embarrasment turned to exhilaration, she said that the honesty in my words was brutal and beautiful. From that moment on, I knew that I must be truthful with my writing, because the truth rings clearly for all to see. So thank you, my friend, for teaching me this lesson.

So I may stumble hither and tither in this place. I may even make false statements here, but I will not do it knowingly and I vow to always fess up when faced with the truth. I don't mind eating crow. It's how we learn. So here's to the truth and let the blogging begin.


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